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Concrete Coatings

Concrete Coatings for Western Pennsylvania, and the Tri-State Area

Factory-Trained Technicians  |  Owner on Every Job  |  Free Estimates

Factory-Trained Technicians
Owner on Every Job
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Complete Interior Concrete Coatings

Looking for interior or garage floor coating Pittsburgh, PA residents love? When you want the most unique and creative interior concrete surfaces with stains applied to give an authentic look, look no further than Elite Concrete Floors. We have a wide variety stains you can choose from to give your concrete floor marbled colors, monotone colors, or any design you have in mind. The possibilities are endless.

The Process for Concrete Coating Pittsburgh, PA Trusts

  •  We prepare the concrete surface using a diamond grinding, (but it can be different depending on the surface and if there is any previous coatings or surfaces).  The concrete prep cleans the surface and open the pores of the surface allowing the coating to wick into the concrete. No matter what application is used our commercial vacs are used to contain the dust.
  • We'll inspect for cracks or any surface damage to the concrete and apply the needed repair work. The amount of damage will determine how long the application process will take afterwards. Please note that additional costs may be applied if there is major repair work needing to be done, but this will be determined at the time of your free estimate.
  • We implement our system of application that was determined beforehand.
  • Your concrete floor will be prepped for the sealer coat. Any and all chips that may be sticking up will be scraped and sanded down for the best textured surface it can have (this is called the orange peel effect).
  • The actual application of the sealer coat will now be applied to the floor. You can have up to two top coats  (there's an additional cost for a second coat).

Get the Advantages of Having a Concrete Coating Now

Epoxy/Polyaspartic System
This system uses an epoxy base with a moisture vapor emission of 8 lbs., and a polyaspartic sealer will then be applied afterwards. This will give excellent adhesion properties to aged concrete, and the procedure usually takes two days where there needs to be a longer wait time if you plan on driving on it.

Polyurea/Polyaspartic System
This system uses three coats consisting of a primer, chip, and sealer coat. Additional topcoats can be applied for an even smoother surface, yet the texture feels like an orange peel effect at the same time. This system is a one day application.

Metallic Epoxy System
This system is applied with two individual base coats before the metallic epoxy is applied. It will take about three days for the installation to be complete since there are a number of factors involved for this system to yield the best  results.

Specialty Coatings
This system involves urethane or an epoxy for applications such as oil blockers, flexibility, moisture vapor barriers, or epoxy mortars. The time it takes for this process can vary due to the specific needs indicated.

We Offer a 10-Year Warranty

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(724) 418-4641

(724) 418-4641
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Residential Only, New clients get 10% off of flooring services with this coupon from Elite Concrete Floors. Maximum discount of 400.00 offer not valid any previous quotes, or any other offers combined. Coupon must be present at time of estimate,
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Elite Concrete Floors

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