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Concrete Polishing

Concrete Grinding & Polishing for Western Pennsylvania and the Tri-State Area

Factory-Trained Technicians  |  Owner on Every Job  |  Free Estimates

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The Best Concrete Grind and Polish Services in the Area

 Concrete grinding can offer several options depending on the condition of the concrete floor and you budget. Concrete burnishing, Concrete grind and seal, Concrete grind and polish, 

Things You Need to Know About This Process

There are number of things you should consider if you wish to have a concrete grind-and-seal process, and this includes grind and polish. These include:
  • Do things like tile, coatings, other flooring systems, or VCT need to be removed? If so, we need to take a look at the substrate to make sure it's in good condition.
  • Is your concrete floor completely flat? You can check how flat your floor is by rolling a hard ball over the surface. If it's a bumpy roll for the ball, the floor may need grinding.
  • Is your concrete floor level enough? This can also be tested by rolling a hard ball over the surface. If you see the ball rolling towards a particular area or direction, the floor may need to be leveled more. All types of drains can have contours.

Things You Need to Know About This Process

Concrete Burnishing- is a cost savings system when compared to concrete polishing. Burnishing will not give you the same degree of light reflectivity has polished concrete. However the floor will be durable and easy to maintain.

Concrete Grind & Seal- only involves two stages, which is the grinding of the surface usually with 80-100 grit diamonds or 100-120 grit to clean and flatten the surface. Then the surface is sealed with 2 or 3 coats of sealer. The sealers can be acrylic, epoxy and/or urethane. Making the surface easy to maintain and stain resistant. 

Concrete Grind & Polish- which involves main steps to achieve the finish.  The finish can range from a Cream finish to Large exposed aggregate, and then the gloss level can range from Flat to Highly polished.  

We Offer a 10-Year Warranty

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