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Concrete Grinding & Surface Preparation

Concrete Surface Preparation

Factory-Trained Technicians  |  Owner on Every Job  |  Free Estimates

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Superior Concrete Surface Preparation

At Elite Concrete Floors, we understand that the quality of your concrete surface is paramount to the success of your project. That’s why we offer a range of services to ensure that your final concrete surface is appropriate for its purpose and appealing.

Our team of factory-trained tech will prepare your surface by removing all imperfections and inconsistencies to ensure the new surface will be durable and long lasting. We understand the value and purpose of each preparation method. Call us today to learn more about surface preparation and the options we offer.

Concrete Grinding and Other Options

There are many types of equipment we can use to prepare your concrete surface. We offer a range of surface textures, known in the business as Concrete Surface Profiles (CSP). These range numerically from CSP 1 (smooth) to CSP 9 (coarse or rough).

We use different methods to achieve the desired results, including: 
  • Concrete Grinding: This method removes surface imperfections and creates a smooth surface that is ready for the next step.
  • Floor Scraping: This process removes excess concrete, coatings, or paint from the surface and leaves it smooth, shiny, and ready for further treatment.
  • Shot Blasting: This resurfacing process uses metal beads to blast away tough debris and contaminants. Similar to sandblasting, it provides a more powerful clean due to the size and speed of the metal pellets.
  • Scarifying: This process uses spinning metal blades on a machine to chip away at the top layer of a concrete surface, removing coatings and creating a level surface.
  • Bush Hammering: This process is ideal for texturizing concrete. It involves using a machine with a series of small, pyramid-shaped points to create a rough, slip-resistant surface.
For every project we have a method of surface preparation that will appropriately prepare it for the final surface that meets your needs. 

Contact us today to learn more, or complete our form to request an estimate. 

The Right Concrete Preparation for Every Project

Factory-Trained Technicians

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(724) 418-4641

(724) 418-4641
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